26. 2. 2019

Historical illustrations

Long time no see! Writing in English once again and repurposing my instagram posts. This post contains five historical illustrations we were supposed to do as one of our tasks homework, at the school I currently study at (VOŠ Francouzská, Brno - it's shit, don't go there). It's five couples wearing historical clothes from a certain period drawn or painted on A3.
There might be a significant historical inaccuracy, as I am not very familiar with the topic and these studies are only a fashion school assignment.

The first drawing is from old Roma.

 The next one represents byzantine clothes worn let's say around fourth century, but I have to say it is not meant to be historicaly accurate, it is rather a generalization with main features from that time...more of a theatre costume study or so...a man and a woman on A3 format paper, mixed media.
And yes, I am aware their faces are kinda warped and twisted, but I am not very good with paint if it's not on in Photoshop.

This one represent early middle ages or romanesque era - I don't know the exact english terms, I'm sorry. 


And this one Gothic again, but later, done on a computer, as we were supposed to try different techniques... and the background is inspired by unicorn tapestries.